The Art of the Lawsuit
Topics Discussed:
The British Election (02:26)
National Defense Authorization Act (04:04)
Pensacola Shooting (05:43)
Afghanistan Papers (10:54)
Compliments: Utah and the Trump Administration (29:06)
Impeachment Update (35:20)
Trump Lawsuits (35:53)
Outside of Politics (56:19)
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Episode Resources:
Congress Agrees Space Force; 2020 NDAA Vote Next Week (Breaking Defense)
Saudis have come for U.S. military training for decades (The Washington Post)
Pensacola Victims: Three Hopeful Men at the Dawn of Naval Careers (The New York Times)
Pearl Harbor Shooting Unfolded in 23 Seconds in Packed Area (US News & World Report)
At War with the Truth (The Washington Post)
Trump gave states the power to ban refugees. Conservative Utah wants more. (The Washington Post)
In Prisoner Swap, Iran Frees American Held Since 2016 (The New York Times)
House Judiciary Committee report outlining constitutional grounds for impeachment (CNN)
Donald Trump: Three decades, 4,095 lawsuits (USA Today)
Trump Is Fighting So Many Legal Battles, It’s Hard to Keep Track (The New York Times)