The Constant Dilemma that is Amazon
Topics Discussed:
Measles Outbreak in Samoa (02:39)
Macmillan E-book Licensing (03:43)
Kamala Harris (06:23)
Impeachment Update (07:56)
Amazon (23:39)
Your Political Holiday Stories (47:30)
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Episode Resources:
I Tried to Block Amazon From My Life. It Was Impossible. (Gizmodo)
We should be ashamed, but when it comes to Amazon, we just can’t help ourselves (Los Angeles Times)
Amazon reveals the bestselling items that drove Cyber Monday to become its biggest shopping day in history (Business Insider)
Jeff Bezos’s Master Plan (The Atlantic)
Behind the Smiles (Reveal News)
Amazon: Behind the Smiles (Reveal podcast)
The Cost of Next-Day Delivery (BuzzFeed News)