Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage


Topics Discussed:

  • DNC Convention

  • United States Postal Service

  • Covid-19 and Healthcare Workers

  • 100th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage

  • Outside of Politics

Many thanks to Ellen Goodman and Lynn Sherr of the She Votes podcast and Dr. Bettye Collier-Thomas for sharing their wisdom and expertise with us.

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On Healthcare “Heroes”

Here’s why we don’t like being called heroes... (or maybe I should just speak for myself, but... I know a lot of heroes 😏)

We don’t like being called heroes one minute, and then the next...

... being lied to about whether or not you have had COVID exposures or symptoms when you come to see a doctor, thus exposing and endangering every member of the medical staff who didn’t know to put on the correct level of PPE...

... being accused of being part of some big conspiracy related to the virus or vaccines or generally being told that the years we have invested in understanding complex scientific concepts, like virology and clinical trial design, are of no worth to you because you did some “research” on the internet that says something different than what we and the majority of the medical community is saying...

... being complained to about wearing a surgical or cloth mask for the few hours (or minutes!) you are in our office while we have been wearing one day in, day out, along with goggles and gowns and tight-fitting N95s...

... being asked to write letters to excuse a perfectly healthy person from mask wearing, or a letter to clear someone for activities following COVID exposure because of some special circumstance they think should exempt them from CDC quarantine guidelines, or basically any letter that gets people out of something for the safety of public health that inconveniences them...

... being told that someone will comply with the quarantine guidelines that you carefully deciphered and explained to them only to find out that they’ve actually gone out and created a super spreader event... ... being yelled at for not treating someone with the “right” medicine, even though there’s absolutely no evidence behind it, but they “read about it on the internet and famous people got it so they must just not be important enough to get it”...

... going out in the community to see the majority of people maskless and completely ignoring social distancing, or wearing their mask around their neck, or making a public display of how the mask ordinance infringes on their personal freedoms ...

... seeing friends who have posted all about how grateful they are for “healthcare heroes” now posting photos from 200 person weddings with maskless dance floors...

... being expected to know answers to impossible questions, and then when we make our best attempt at answering those questions, being dismissed because people don’t like the answers...

We. Are. Just. So. Tired.

Liz K with her grandmother’s broach:

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