The Future of the Republican Party
Topics Discussed:
Reporting Covid-19 Data
Wayfair Conspiracy Theory
Overt Racism in America (Karens Gone Wild)
Protester Arrests in Kentucky
Federal Death Penalty
The Future of the Republican Party (with Mark McKinnon and Tim Miller)
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Episode Resources:
CDC and Covid-19 Data:
White House Strips CDC Of Data Collection Role For COVID-19 Hospitalizations (NPR)
COVID-19 United States Cases by County (Johns Hopkins)
Wayfair Conspiracy:
Waif Error: Why the Wayfair Conspiracy Theory Took Off (Mike Rothschild)
United States of Conspiracy (On the Media)
Why Are Right-Wing Conspiracies so Obsessed With Pedophilia? (Mother Jones)
How the Wayfair child sex-trafficking conspiracy theory went viral (PolitiFact)
Wayfair, the internet’s massive online furniture store, explained (Vox)