The Way Forward

The Way Forward.png

Topics Discussed:

  • Shutdown Protests (2:57)

  • Canadian Shooting (18:04)

  • What Happens Next? (28:32)

  • Outside of Politics (47:57)

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Episode Resources:

From Tim Jones:

Some say the Earth is a sphere. Others - a lot of people, I might add - say the Earth is flat.

As someone who proudly doesn't like to get political or take sides, let's say the truth is PROBABLY somewhere in-between.
Archelaus, a teacher of Socrates, said a flat Earth was depressed in the middle like a saucer.
That COMPROMISE works for me. I'm now:
1.) safely in the middle,
2.) haven't taken a side, and
3.) have cited someone important to back up my claim.
Now, BOTH SIDES are equally to blame and need to quit fighting.
This is what passes for common sense these days. Sometimes an "extreme" position (Earth is a sphere), based on the most current evidence, is the accurate position. What I've described above is called the "middle ground" fallacy, with an "appeal to authority" fallacy thrown in for good measure.
Don't get sucked into these logical fallacies when it comes to science, politics, or any subject. The middle is not always correct, and often it isn't. Look for relevant facts. Check your biases. Think critically.
Staking out the "middle ground" doesn't make you reasonable, when more rigorous research would point you another direction. It makes you lazy.