Conspiracy Theories and Coronavirus (with Joe Walsh)
Topics Discussed:
Opening Meditation (##:##)
Good Community Members (##:##)
Covid-19 and the Senate (##:##)
Compliments: Andy Beshear (##:##)
QAnon and Coronavirus (##:##)
Other Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories (##:##)
Conversation with Joe Walsh (##:##)
Talking to Conspiracy Believers (##:##)
Outside of Politics (##:##)
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Episode Resources:
"Govern me, daddy": Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear a clean-cut sex symbol for the coronavirus age (Salon)
Inside the COVID-Denialist Internet Bubble (Politico)
How a QAnon Coronavirus Conspiracy About Oprah Went Viral (Vanity Fair)
QAnon May Be Resting, But It Will Never Die (Mother Jones)
How to debunk COVID-19 conspiracy theories (The Verge)
China's wild coronavirus conspiracy theories haven't slowed down (ABC News)
Iran leader refuses U.S. help, citing virus conspiracy theory (Politico)
How to Get Someone Out of a Cult (The New York Times Magazine)
Opening Meditation from Mairin:
My prayer for the world in the wake of this crisis is that we all learn to let things go and make way for a new form of life. May we learn to take pride in the process over the perfected outcome. May we surprise ourselves by how little we actually have to get done in a day. May we learn that we can live so happily with so much less. May we marvel at the beautiful reward there is in delayed gratification. May we better differentiate between wants and needs. May we walk taller as we master new skills learned out of necessity and self-reliance. May we look back at this time with our family in close quarters as something that we now cannot do without. May we set new goals as we let old ones go. May we take note of the difference that hours in sunshine makes in our bodies and spirits, and may we make that time sacred and non-negotiable going forward. May we all learn to know and love ourselves a little bit better.