A Rapidly Changing World and the Eleventh Democratic Debate

A Rapidly Changing World and the Eleventh Democratic Debate.png

Topics Discussed:

  • Coronavirus (03:43)

  • Economic Stimulus Bill (11:14)

  • Compliments: Proactive, Brave Leadership (25:37)

  • The Democratic Debate: Round Eleven (31:37)

  • Outside of Politics (49:03)


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Episode Resources:

Our opening meditation from Maggie:

Muses and Mother Memory,
Saint Gabriel,
Mother Earth,
and whoever created the smell of newborn babies,

You who offer inspiration, communication, creativity, love, and light to all without measure. You who offer grace and mercy. You who stretch us, and who's presence we invite into our conversation today.

We ask for you to be with us as we consider what is, what was, and what might be.
Let us honor those who are here,
Those will hear,
And those who will come after us.