5 Things You Need to Know About Criminal Justice Reform

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March is National Criminal Justice Month. Plus, criminal justice reform is one of the few pieces of major legislation that has been passed with bipartisan consensus under the Trump administration. We'll be talking more about this issue on Tuesday's episode. Today, though, we're getting you ready for that conversation by sharing five things you need to know about criminal justice reform. 

1) The cost of the criminal justice system can begin before a person is every convicted of a crime.

2) Once you're in the court system, the process is difficult and representation is hard to come by.

3) If you plea or are convicted, sentencing is another layer of inequity.

4) A prison sentence is often just the beginning of the punishment which can continue far beyond the prison walls.

5) Let's talk about the death penalty.

Can't get enough Pantsuit Politics? Check out our interview on the Little Faith podcast or come see us interview Senator Maggie Hassan at South Church in Portsmouth, NH on Friday, April 5th at 6:30pm.

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