Ongoing Impeachment Hearings and Culture Wars
Topics Discussed:
China Updates (01:59)
Iranian Influence in Iraq (6:15)
North Korean Demands (10:16)
Louisiana Elections (11:45)
Farm Bankruptcies (13:03)
Military Clemencies (15:17)
House Science Committee (17:52)
More Mass Shootings (20:26)
Impeachment (24:35)
Outside of Politics (51:39)
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Episode Resources:
Foreign News:
'Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims (The New York Times)
Hong Kong Violence Escalates as Police and Protesters Clash at University (The New York Times)
Domestic News:
U.S. stock market at record but farm bankruptcies at highest since 2011 (Market Watch)
Trump grants clemency to troops in three controversial war crimes cases (Military Times)
EPA to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules (The New York Times)
4 killed, 6 others shot at family gathering in Fresno, California (NBC News)
A student wrote a haunting poem about how the Santa Clarita school shooting made her feel (CNN)
How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong (The New York Times)