Niger, Healthcare, Tax "Reform," and Sexual Harassment


We received an overwhelming amount of discussion from listeners about sexual harassment and assault. We've learned a lot and continue the conversation in today’s episode. 

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Niger, Healthcare, Tax "Reform," and Sexual Harassment
Pantsuit Politics | Two women, one conservative and one liberal, talk news and politics.

We discuss the horrific ambush of US troops in Niger and try to provide some context to military engagement in western Africa. While details are still emerging about what took place, the President's team seems more engaged in a battle with Sgt. La David Johnson's family than in confronting the difficult intelligence and foreign policy questions implicated

Next, we turn to the legislature. We talk about the bipartisan work Senators Murray and Alexander are doing on healthcare and the wholly partisan approach Congressional Republicans are taking to tax cuts and the federal budget.  

For our compliments to the other party, Sarah compliments Former President George W. Bush for his recent remarks on civility in our discourse. Beth compliments Former President Jimmy Carter for his willingness to engage with North Korea in order to prevent escalating conflict. 

Because of the overwhelming feedback we received in response to our discussion of Mayim Bialik's New York Times editorial, we resume the discussion of sexual assault and harassment, sharing the lessons we have learned over the past week. We also share a message from a listener who came to understand after the fact that he engaged in non-consensual sex with a woman in college and offered up his learnings from that experience about what men must do to stop the violence. 

We end, as always, with what's on our minds outside of politics. Beth weighs in on personality types following Sarah's discussion with Anne Bogel, and Sarah is in the somewhat miserable process of trying to sell her house and move into a new one. 

Beth SilversComment