Is there a link for Chip Roy making trump promise not to bully him on SM bc all my searches bring up something from Dec. where trump IS threatening him. Would love that link sarah

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Sorry! I meant to include that in the notes for the show! -Maggie

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Comment about Jimmy Carter: I was a young farmer with my husband when Carter was in office. For us, the high cost of fuel and the Russian grain embargo that all seem to forget now made things hard for our farm business. However we did appreciate his faith. Watched all of the transfer from the plane to Capitol Hill and the service. It was like a church service. Blessings on his grieving family.

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January 6, 2021 should have destroyed the reputation and electoral viability of the Republican Party for a generation. Instead, they slightly underperformed for one midterm. I’m not sure if I blame Democrats for the political malpractice of letting them get away it, or the electorate for not living up to the responsibility of the franchise. Maybe both.

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Quickly scrolling past discussion of Babygirl because I'm seeing it on Friday.

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I need someone older than me to discuss revisionist history pre-internet.

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Regarding the MAGA efforts to reframe Jan 6:

I agree that to us currently, it can seem like how it only underlines the whole thing. But I do worry about the long-term impact being different. Thinking about the civil war and reconstruction and the backlash and allllll of the statues to generals being built and the narrative shift around the confederate flag and state’s rights. Time has definitely distanced folks from the reality of the history and a disappointing number of folks don’t even know that many of the secession declarations explicitly list enslaving black folks as the reason for secession. So it’s not hard to believe that there will be some crazy lovey-dovey story about Jan 6 at some point. :(

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I haven’t seen Babygirl, only read reviews and have seen the trailer and based on that I probably won’t see it. I’m wondering what value a movie has that asks some repeated questions about power and (it appears) to play in lot the assumption that women want to be dominated in bed? Is this the best we can do for pushing the conversation forward? Does it consider her pleasure or is her pleasure only derived from serving him?

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I saw Babygirl a couple of days ago and I don't really try to talk people into seeing films--and this one for sure isn't going to be for everyone, but it's much more nuanced than even this one woman wanting to be dominated in bed.

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I have too many thoughts about this movie and am really not trying to convince anyone to see it...this is just a place to discuss :). Last thing I'll say here is that when we were leaving the theater, Chad and I had such a great conversation. I don't find anything about Nicole Kidman's character relatable, but the movie really prompted us to think through how we want to talk to our daughters about sex (and porn and communication with partners and all related things). I feel like a lot of the toxicity and violence in sex comes from the fact that there are still layers of shame attached to every aspect of it and in almost every angle of discussions/philosophies about it. I felt like the movie was a good vehicle, at least in our relationship, to step back and say "what if we were all just way more straightforward about this?"

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Inasmuch as women have survived millennia of rape and other sexual crimes, it's impossible to decouple violations against our bodies with sexual fantasy that sometimes mimics the violation against our bodies. This is part of the shame and it's one of the things that perpetuates the idea that women "want" certain things with no thought to consent, much less nuance.

I used to think of porn as something..."out there"...something that existed, but wasn't in our faces all the time. Now it feels in our faces all the time, just because it's in everyone's pocket and reading more and more about how kids have access and how sexual practices have changed (for example, there are many young people who believe choking is actually supposed to be part of a sexual encounter)...I can't decide if this is more backlash against women or some kind of trajectory I should have expected.

So yes, there's a lot more to think and say about this and I believe Babygirl does scratch the surface of some of it.

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And what if we were all more straightforward about this?

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I also really don't think it says "women want to be dominated by men." I think it says THIS woman is sorting out a lot in her life and that has a sexual dimension that she hasn't been able to communicate with anyone about despite having a ton of power and resources. I think it's not about domination at all but about roles and shame and desire and play and where we struggle to be honest with people we love about parts of ourselves that we can't entirely understand.

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It's entirely about her pleasure, and it deals with the fact that she is the CEO of a company where he is an intern, that's he's very confused about the role he's playing and a little afraid of it... I think it goes somewhere very new.

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What was the name of the podcasts or documentary that has three names and is hard to say and is about documentaries and podcasts?

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Shocking Heartbreaking Transformative

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Sarah, I'm at the point in the podcast where you say that Ronald Reagan was the turning point where the USA goes haywire. I have a book recommendation for you and for everybody here. I believe it's long out of print, but you can buy it on Amazon. In this book, a man invents a time machine and then hires another man to go back in time and prevent Ronald Reagan from becoming POTUS. I read it so long ago that Bill Clinton got impeached while I read this book. And that was a weird time to read a book where a guy is adamant that life would be better for us if Ronald Reagan hadn't been president. I am much more a fan of Clinton than Reagan, but my opinion of Clinton was at its nadir at that moment, so I read this thinking "ooookaaaay....." But I kept my copy and I loan it only to the select few I trust to return it.

The book is "Time on My Hands" by Peter Delacorte


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On the topic of podcasts that are a bit new- has anyone listened to The Telepathy Tapes? 🤯🤯🤯

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Ooo, I I'm excited to listen to these. Thanks for the recommendation!

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My good friend was just telling me about the Telepathy Tapes. It’s on my listen list!

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Let’s please discuss when you do. It honestly blew my mind. And made a lot of sense (on most levels) to me.

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Nutcrackers was filmed (mostly) in the town where I work. I was pleasantly surprised that all of the shooting locations in the movie really look like that in real life. If any sets were used, they were minimal.

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Oh man… I see your date for the 10th anniversary live event and immediately think : oh great, what insane news breaking thing is going to spontaneously occur THAT week - because we all know that this administration doesn’t respect the schedule 🤣

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You’re back! Outside of politics, I’ve been watching and re-watching some older shows. Royal Pains and White Collar were good. Very much reminded me of Psych and Burn Notice which makes sense since they all aired on USA. And I’m working through a re-watch of JAG. No reason why other than I saw it on Prime and it’s been 20 years. But interestingly many episodes are based on hot topics still around today.

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So good to have you back! I was a bit news avoidant over the holidays, but I feel ready to step back in with you all as my processing partners

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Thank you for the graphic of the schedule! Super helpful.

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