Premium Collections
We’ve been making premium content since 2017. Nearly 2000 episodes later, we know the archives can be a bear to search, even when you do know what you’re looking for.
We have a few solutions to make things easier for you. First, we’ve built a content archive of every episode of every show we’ve ever made (ok, it’s not fully complete yet, but we’re working on it, and there’s enough there to likely find what you want.) You can find that archive at this link.
We have also put together a few collections of premium episodes. We hope linking these episodes together like this makes it easy to listen when you want to dive deep into a specific topic.
Project 2025
Beth may be the only person in America who read all 900+ pages of Project 2025. In August 2024, she covered the document and its contents on More to Say. You can find links to all six episodes of that series here:
Musical Episodes
Beth's iconic musical compilation and karaoke episodes are all right here:
Democracy in America Book Club
Throughout 2024, our community slowly read through Alexis de Tocqueville’s classic, Democracy in America. This book has a surprising amount to teach us about our modern political climate, as well as how we got here.
January 6 Report Book Club
In early 2023, our community read through the final report of the January 6th Congressional Committee.
Final January 6th Report Book Club: Live Q&A!
(this is a link to a Crowdcast live event)
Succession: The Final Season
In the spring of 2023, we shared episode discussions for the full final season of the HBO television series Succession.